Make A Payment
We are pleased to offer you the convenience of online payments.
Please make sure that you have your bill with you before continuing as you will need to refer to it when making your payment online. For help with reading your bill, click here for an explanation.
Before using our ONLINE PAYMENT OPTION, please read the following:
Payments can be made toward all active auto and home insurance policies.
- You can make payments to multiple policies but they must be made one at a time.
One time payments can be made with Visa or MasterCard debit cards or credit cards. At this time, American Express is unavailable.
Please note the Online Payment Option is available only in Canada, the U.S. and its territories. For assistance with your payment outside of these countries, please reach out to your insurance Broker
Online payments are safe and secure
Pembridge is in the business of providing peace of mind. Our full range of insurance services protects you and your family against unexpected losses.
This site is also specially designed to provide you with peace of mind. The payment site uses TLS 1.2 encryption, the most secure and advanced encryption being used on the web today. This means that your payment information is 'scrambled' so that it cannot be intercepted and read.
Additional Ways to Make a Payment
There are several other ways for you to pay your insurance premiums. Choose the option that best suits your needs.
- Contact your Insurance Broker
- On-line/Telephone payment at your banking institution
- Pay at your local Bank